Mimosa NearPoint Archiving Solution for Exchange

Mimosa NearPoint for Microsoft Exchange Server is a next generation email archiving solution that delivers archiving, eDiscovery, recovery, disaster recovery, and storage management in a single integrated solution. NearPoint requires no journaling and continuously captures Exchange information using the Exchange Transaction Log Files. Contact Mimosa Systems to learn more about its breakthrough technology for managing Exchange Server.
The NearPoint software solution for email archiving is based on standard Microsoft® technologies, and runs on standard Intel servers. This application-intelligent solution provides:
- deep integration with Exchange and Outlook for seamless end-user access to messaging content
- effortless deployment
- zero foot print on production Exchange Servers or desktops.
- instant search and access to email that has been protected,
archived, and extended via a standard Microsoft Outlook or
Outlook Web Access user interface
Administrators also benefit as the application performs immediate restores and configure policies using the standard Microsoft Management Console.

NearPoint Exchange Archiving Benefits:
- NearPoint performs continuous capture of Exchange data, metadata, and context, including all email, folders, deletions, calendars, contacts, notes, tasks, and more.
- Mimosa NearPoint minimizes risks and costs associated with legal discovery through its comprehensive eDiscovery
- NearPoint protects against data loss and allows local
recovery of Exchange information stores, mailboxes, and
individual messages and disaster recovery of Exchange data to a
standby Exchange Server.
- NearPoint optimizes Exchange mailbox storage by reducing the load attachments put on Exchange. Offline email stored in PST files can be easily migrated into the NearPoint
- NearPoint Deployment Advantage™ means that the system does
not require agents on Exchange Server and zero client software
are needed for advanced search and archive access.
- NearPoint streamlines data migration from legacy Exchange versions, including 5.5, 2000, and 2003, to Exchange 2007.